Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries

Can We Escape?

From U. of Arizona, Gary Nabhan growing in hotter drier times. Ecoshock correspondent Gerri Williams on getting out of town. From Boulder, Carolyn Baker on the flash floods. Radio Ecoshock 130918 1 hour. Plus Voices for Climate Change from Jamaica. Ready for climate  …


Where Are We Really? Radio Ecoshock returns.

Analysis of climate situation by Paul Beckwith, U of Ottawa. Plus Arnie Gundersen updates Fukushima leaks and radioactive plume in the Pacific, heading for the U.S. Radio Ecoshock 130911 1 hour. WELCOME BACK! Welcome back to the Fall 2013 season of Radio Ecoshock,  …

Global Heat Emergency Special Podcast

Hello wherever you are, and whenever you hear this heat emergency podcast from Radio Ecoshock. It takes a lot to get me to make an special message like this. The last time I pulled the trigger was on Friday March 11th, 2011 –  …

Rising Heat, Rising Seas

State of climate science notes (Richard Alley); feature on rising seas – Francesca Rheannon of “Writer’s Voice” interviews Brian Fagan, author of “The Attacking Ocean.” Plus Alison Martin from the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy on endangered farm animals. Radio Ecoshock 130717 IMPORTANT NOTE  …

In These Latter Days

Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. It’s summer: the time on the new planet Earth for more high temperature records in the Northern Hemisphere. Others nearly drown in global wetting. We are all at the mercy of the great stalled waves of the Jet Stream  …


Preparing Personal Solutions

Are your clothes safe? Alina Bartell, owner of The Natural Clothing Company advises on fabrics, chemicals, and organic clothes. Dr. Joe Alton, MD on learning emergency medicine “when help doesn’t come”. Woody Tasch helps develop local food with “slow money”. Radio Ecoshock 130703  …

Start Something to Live For

American author of Aquaponic Gardening Sylvia Bernstein on union of fish and veggies. Publisher of Mother Earth News Bryan Welch’s optimism of non-partisan activism. Canada’s oil capital shut down by climate change. Radio Ecoshock 130626 1 hour. Get ready for your new food  …

Growing the Life You Want To Live

From the Mother Earth News Fair, we hear about Life on the “Farmstead.” Lisa Kivirist turning your dreams of small scale food into a living in Wisconsin. Lisa has tips for us all. Then we go solar with author and speaker Dan Chiras,  …


Civilization: Change It or Leave It

Can we return to the primitive? Miles Olson on personal rewilding. Asoka Bandarage on “middle way” out of collapse. Organic grow and cook with Barbara Damrosch of Four Season Farm. Radio Ecoshock 130612 1 hour Could you leave civilization and survive? Are we  …

Will Humans Go Extinct Soon?

Investigating claims of near-term extinction for humans. Clips from Guy McPherson, John D. Cox, Dr. David Archer. Interview w. John Michael Greer. Analysis of predictions by Malcolm Light of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG). Radio Ecoshock 130605 1 hour. Listen to/download this  …

WILD HUMANS (doing wild things)

National Geographic reporter Scott Wallace on trips to deep Amazon for his book “The Unconquered”. How oil, gold, and illegal logging chase the last un-contacted tribes. Plus reports on Canadian Boreal failure, serial climate hacker Russ George, and shaping Nature in the city.  …


Who Will Control the Climate of the World?

Australian author Clive Hamilton on geoengineering & his new book “Earthmasters”. Plots by big oil, Bill Gates & nuke scientists. Shocking new science shows Arctic could melt at current carbon levels. Plus world-wide growth of bike sharing with Janet Larsen of Earth-Policy. Radio  …

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October 2024