Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries

Unburnable: Risky Fossil Fuel Investments Vs. Climate Crisis

Two new reports say climate change could cause the next financial crisis. From London, Bob Ward, LSE lead author of “Unburnable: Carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets.” From Australia’s Climate Institute, John Connor on coal’s risky future. Plus Nancy LaPlaca: why does  …


Fracking: Sacrifice Zones of the American West

Fracking: Sacrifice Zones of the American West. What can other countries expect? Four voices from the Bakken shale lands. Polluting oil & gas extraction impacts in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana & North Dakota. The dark side of the fracking boom. Radio Ecoshock 130508 1  …


The Age of Super Fires

The new age of super fires in N. America, Europe, Australia, Asia. Silviculturalist John Betts explains strange unstoppable forest fires. Then Nicole Rycroft, Exec Dir of enviro group “Canopy”. Why they quit talks with industry, as logging ravages the Canadian Boreal forest. Plus  …

Burying the Future: Tars Sands, Pipelines, & Melting Arctic

Canadian scientist Paul Beckwith explains how the Arctic warming emergency is changing your weather. But first, the story of an anti-pipeline media warrior, John Bolenbaugh in his own words. The leaks, scandals and deaths behind Tar Sands pipelines. Radio Ecoshock 130424 1 hour.  …

Coping: Climate Anxiety. Preparing: Dehydrating Food

How to cope with climate despair. UK psychotherapist & co-founder of Carbon Conversations, Rosemary Randall. Then a practical alternative to industrial food: learn to dehydrate in season with traditional cooking expert Wardeh Harmon. Radio Ecoshock 130417 1 hour. Listen to/download this Radio Ecoshock  …


Green Seas, Good Food, Bad Numbers

Serial climate hacker Russ George’s office raided. Nick Saul takes food banks to a whole new level – feeding citizens during tough times. UC Berkeley political scientist Dr. Martha Campbell – how economists & women’s advocates helped enable the next population explosion. Radio  …

Green Medley: Climate, Population, Off-Grid

American scientist Virginia Burkett: violent weather threats to coastal energy. Activist Dave Foreman on population & immigration. Sheri Koones “Prefabulous & Almost Off-Grid” green building. Radio Ecoshock 130403 1 hour. FREE MP3 DOWNLOADS Listen to/download this “Green Medly” Radio Ecoshock in CD Quality  …


From Growing Greens to Fukushima

Expert urban gardening tips from John Kohler, host of popular “Growing Your Greens” channel on You tube. Then speech by Dr. Helen Caldicott March 12, 2013 on medical and ecological consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Radio Ecoshock 130327 1 hour  …

Deadly Myths of Fukushima

Selections from symposium “The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident” New York March 11-12 by Helen Caldicott Foundation & Physicians for Social Responsibility. It isn’t over. Danger to women, children, wildlife. Radio Ecoshock 130320 1 hour. Download/listen to the Radio  …

Citizens Lobby with Life on the Brink

Life on the Brink …approaching the vanishing point for climate hope. As emissions hit new record, Citizens Climate Lobby Exec. Dir. Mark Reynolds teaches people to lobby the government for sane policy, like Hansen’s “Tax and Dividend”. Philip Cafaro on new book “Life  …

Poisoned Flag: Testimony of 2 U.S. Sailors Nuked by Fukushima

SPECIAL BULLETIN Two U.S. sailors tell their stories of being poisoned with radioactivity aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan during the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan. Quartermasters Maurice Enis, and Jaime Plym, now out of the Navy, speak in New York City,  …

Growing Food Indoors Under Lights

From herbs to food under new high tech, low-energy lighting. Inventor Philip Be’er. We can lower emissions by growing our own. Plus small scale farmer, author & anthropologist Walter Haugen. Song by Australian band Pagan Love Cult. Radio Ecoshock 130306 Part of doing  …


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October 2024