Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries

The Beginning of The End Economic collapse will come before peak oil or climate disruption, says investment guru Chris Martenson, author of “Crash Course”. Matthew Stein, author of “When Technology Fails” explains how a solar flare could cripple society and set off 400 Chernobyls – and how  …

Fire! In A Crowded World Wild fires from climate change cause still more warming. Three experts from American Academy for the Advancment of Science meeting February 19th recorded in Vancouver by Alex Smith. Michael Flannigan, U of Alberta on fire and climate. From UBC medical unit, Dr.  …

The Worst Problems In The World Could the collapse of the fuel pool at Fukushima Reactor #4 endanger the Northern Hemisphere? Nuclear industry executive Arnie Gundersen explains. Then a top Canadian scientist exposes a scandalous government cover-up of poisons moving from the Tar Sands to dying aboriginal people.  …

Relapse and Recovery A fresh update on Japan after the tsunami and nuclear accident with Warren Karlenzig. Is it a chance to build new green cities, or a vision of what we all face as the oil runs out? Then a quick interview with anti-nuclear  …

Summer in March Summer in March? I ask the experts, Joe Romm of Climate Progress, and Jeff Masters of the Weather Underground. Then we visit with Professor Raymond De Young. When we get exciting weather, it’s hard to beat the Dr. Jeff Masters blog at  …

Go Green Media How can we be optimistic? Publisher of The Mother Earth News, Bryan Welch. From D.C. Environmental Film Festival, Harry Lynch, Director of “Switch”, Alexandra Cousteau, and Robert Cole. This week on Radio Ecoshock, we go green media. You’ll hear an interview with  …

Fukushima Disaster – One Year Later From “Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – One Year After” nuke expert Arnold Gundersen & 2 Japanese activists from Fukushima. Radio Ecoshock 120314 Music bed credit: drums by Vastmandana On the anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster in Fukushima Japan, I am taking  …

Private Spies: WikiLeaks Outs Stratfor Julian Assange of Wikileaks reveals private intel company Stratfor spying on NGO’s, helping big corporations and banks with government secrets. Ecoshock 120307 Today on Radio Ecoshock you will hear about the brave new world of privatization of intelligence services, global corruption, and  …

Free the Climate Scientists! Dr. John Mashey investigates right-wing billionaires & corporations who pay alleged “charities”, bloggers, & old weathermen to deny climate science. Canadian journalist Margaret Munro on government muzzling scientists, plus update by UCS Francesca Grifo on science freedom in U.S.———- The fossil fuel  …

Hot Earth: Science & Anti-Science Listen to presentations by NASA climate scientist James Hansen, and best-selling author and science writer Cris Mooney at 2012 AAAS. Just back from the American Academy for the Advancement of Science annual conference 2012, this is Alex Smith. I’ve recorded two of  …

ARCTIC EMERGENCY Global Threat Maybe we need a big burst of methane to get real climate action. Recent Russian expeditions to the Eastern Siberian coast find plumes of methane into the atmosphere. Is it worse than our own oil and coal pollution? I ask three top  …

Fracking – The Rest of the Story Gasland director Josh Fox arrested at U.S. Congress Hearing on Fracking Feb 1, 2012. Speakers Rep Harris (R-MD), Rep Miller (D-NC), Kathleen Sgamma (Industry), John Fenton (well poisoned, Pavillion Wyoming), Theo Colborne (on air pollution health impacts of fracking, for Great Lakes  …

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October 2024