Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries

Helen Caldicott – The Nuclear Nightmare Continues

In this Radio Ecoshock program you get: #1 a major interview with world-famous anti-nuclear campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott after the Fukushima Japan nuclear accident. Red hot. Covering nuclear power threats in Japan, the United States, Canada, France, and Europe generally. #2. I talk  …

Navigating the Chaos – Carolyn Baker interview transcript

Do you get the feeling it is all unwinding, faster and faster? High prices for gas and food, new war and revolution, and nuclear fear. Even the Earth feels unstable, the times untrustworthy. We need professional help, and we get it in this  …

THE DISASTER CONTINUES Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #4

[RUSH TRANSCRIPT, MAY CONTAIN SPELLING ERRORS]Radio Ecoshock [Early March 21st, 2011 in North America] Now that the bombing of Libya has started, we can all forget about the on-going nuclear disaster. People are getting bored with news out of Japan. More than half  …

JAPAN: Twilight of the Nuclear Gods

Welcome to Radio Ecoshock, as Japan enters history with the world’s most extended nuclear disaster. At least 7 nuclear reactors, and several pools burning with nuclear waste, with a chain of violent explosions, fires and radiation blowing from the coast to the capital.  …

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3

Japan’s nuclear crisis on Monday is now more serious than ever before. This is Alex Smith, host of the weekly program Radio Ecoshock, with Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3, at noon Pacific Time, Monday March 14. As you know from spectacular news footage,  …

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3

Japan’s nuclear crisis on Monday is now more serious than ever before. This is Alex Smith, host of the weekly program Radio Ecoshock, with Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3, at noon Pacific Time, Monday March 14. As you know from spectacular news footage,  …

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #2

This is Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock with Bulletin Number Two concerning the atomic emergency in Japan, following the record-breaking earthquake and tsunami in March, 2011. As of ten o’clock Pacific Time, Saturday the containment building of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor #1 has  …

Japan Earthquake Atomic Emergency

This is Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock with a blog and audio bulletin. Japan has 24 hours to avoid a nuclear reactor melt-down. There are reports of 5 nuclear reactors damaged either by the country’s largest-ever Earthquake, but also by the tsunami that  …

The Age of Ocean Warming

In this week’s Radio Ecoshock Show we cover one of the most under-reported stories of this century: warming oceans. Up to 90 percent of the extra heat we create with rising greenhouse gas emissions is being hidden away in the world’s oceans. Now  …

Wicked Problems & Solutions

Is it time for the lifeboats? Are there any lifeboats? I’m Alex. Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. We face “wicked problems” like climate change, peak oil, or an economy depending on … call it “make-believe” or call it “fraud”. Science cannot provide the answers.  …

Oil Versus Light: the Jeremy Leggett interview transcript

SURVIVING THE TRIPLE CRUNCH An interview with Jeremy Leggett, by Alex Smith. From the Radio Ecoshock Show Feb. 25, 2011. Alex Smith: This civilization uses oil for its blood. Almost everything we make, buy, and use has oil in it’s food chain. You  …

PEAK TROUBLE: Navigating the Chaos

Don’t you hate it when a shadow comes into another nice day? All my weather worries are far away. The East Coast is grumbling under more snow. The deep South may be freezing the Canadian “Snow Birds.” There is another crazy cyclone over  …

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October 2024