Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries

The Coming Climate Panic

Should we arrest our best climate scientists? The denier fringe is calling for investigations and criminal charges. On today’s Radio Ecoshock Show you’ll hear one of the world’s top scientists answer those charges. I’ll digest the best from a stunning speech by Professor  …


Are you trying harder and harder to get things done? Stop it. Stop right now, and enjoy your life. You might live longer, and help save the planet as well. That’s the message from Cecile Andrews, author of “Slow Is Beautiful”. Her book  …

Copenhagen Hope & Despair RE-Podcast

Sorry folks, I don’t know where the system broke down, but apparently many of you got the incorrect file? A Brown Bagger program instead of my Radio Ecoshock show for this week went out to the podcast list (even though the correct show  …

COPENHAGEN Hope & Despair

The Copenhagen climate conference, known as COP 15, was one of the most complex in the world. Thousands of delegates, from almost 200 countries. The bureaucrats, the heads of state. Thousands more from NGO’s – plus up to a hundred thousand protesters. Multi  …


Coming up on Radio Ecoshock – hot from Copenhagen, American energy – and the destruction of Africa. Two continents adrift in hard choices. We know climate change is upon us. It’s just a matter of how fast, and how bad. The struggle stretches  …


Ecocities? Don’t make me laugh… Just as Green Mayors finally arrive, the financial collapse is draining cities into poverty. San Francisco has almost half a billion dollars in revenue shortfall. Vancouver is slashing, starting with a 40 year-old plant conservatory. The only stimulus  …

Science or Conspiracy?

Do you believe in climate science? Or is it a world-wide conspiracy to control your life? We begin with a digest of a key hearing at the U.S. government, December 2nd, 2009. You’ll hear testimony from Dr. John Holdren, Obama’s top science adviser,  …


[opening clip from Greenpeace] To be a life scientist now, is to explore despair. Arriving for the glory of the natural world, the experts find themselves chronicling the end of species, of the climate, of the ecosphere. I’m Alex Smith. We’re going to  …

The Economy: Dinosaurs Will Die

Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. This week’s program is about schizophrenia: the state of hoping the system will crash before it kills the planet, while counting on all the usual creature comforts of home, jobs, and a well-stocked supermarket. Yes, I know the Western  …


I tossed this recording of “Greening Portland” into a small line at the bottom of last week’s Radio Ecoshock blog, thinking maybe a few people would be interested. To my shock, over 400 people downloaded it within two days! I didn’t know that  …

The Future: Dark or Resilient?

Hi there. We have so much great audio for you this week – I don’t have time to tell you about it. Buckle up for a new Radio Ecoshock interview with Richard Heinberg, famous Peak Oiler, author of “The Party’s Over”, “Powerdown” and  …


Bill Rees, originator of the ecological footprint, says we are already into overshoot. We can plan to reduce our use of Earth’s resources, or plunge through a series of disasters. Full keynote speech from “Resilient Cities” 091021 plus Q and A with Warren  …

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October 2024