Broadcast by 105 radio stations in 5 countries


Even President George Bush admits we are addicted to oil. But what does that really mean? THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ADDICTION Dr. Bruce Alexander, a professor emeritus at Simon Fraser University in Canada, is a pioneer researching addiction. His ideas are so unconventional, he  …


Calif. scientist Nate Lewis says CO2 is rising rapidly – and why only Solar can power the Earth. This includes Repodcast clip from ABC National’s “In Conversation” with Robyn Williams. Robyn finds Nate frustrated with the gush of greenhouse gases in the last  …

Climate: Who If Not Us?

In this show: a new speech by Thomas Homer-Dixon, author of “Ingenuity Gap” and “Updside of Down” Toronto 080320. Homer-Dixon says a carbon surge threatens the world, breaking IPCC predictions. He outlines the latest science, and makes an odd suggestion of how the  …


This week’s program begins with a quick review of planet-shaking news. Then, we go to the book launch of “Transportation Revolutions: Moving People and Freight Without Oil” The authors are Richard Gilbert & Anthony Perl. I recorded that on March 18th, in Vancouver,  …

Wall Street & the Climate Crash

This week we dig into the Wall Street Mess. Are we headed into the next Great Depression? We’ll talk to a Finance Campaigner at the Rainforest Action Network, to see how they fought some big bankers, and won. That interview with Matt Leonard  …

Dirty Coal, Dirty Politics, Wasted World

Before I launch into the script for this week’s Radio Ecoshock show, I want to get the key information into your hands. Here is new science, just published in the March 7th, Geophysical Letters scientific journal, explained by Ken Caldeira, senior scientist of  …

Mark Jaccard: 20 Years of Climate Failure

Why have all the political climate plans failed so badly? Targets are set, with big announcements, and yet greenhouse gas emissions just keep going up, and up. Canada’s Professor Mark Jaccard has developed scientific models, to study how governments cope with the climate  …

Our Dying Oceans – New Science

Latest awful science on climate’s impact: dead zones, acidification, extinctions. Forget Obamamania and gowns on the red carpet – oh, by the way, the oceans are dying. This show begins with clips from the 1973 classic “Soylent Green”. The usual warnings apply: people  …

The Drying of the West & More (Ecoshock 080222)

This is Radio Ecoshock. I’m your host, Alex Smith. Our audio show begins with a 21 minute interview with Robert Kunzig, author of “The Drying of the West” in the February issue of National Geographic. A great science writer and researcher, Robert Kunzig  …


The report is called “Cool Farming: Climate impacts of agriculture and mitigation potential” It’s from Greenpeace International. We have with us one of the authors, Dr. Pete Smith from the School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen. Dr. Smith was also a lead  …

End of Age of Oil – Kunstler Part 2

How will we live as oil declines – and the price keeps going up? In our previous program, we ran the first hour of a speech by James Howard Kunstler, given as the first visiting scholar to the Urban Studies Program at Simon  …

End of the Age of Oil – 1

James Howard Kunstler lecture as 1st visiting scholar to Simon Fraser Urban Studies 080124 From the Long Emergency to new measures after Peak Oil. The best speech of the year so far. Why the housing boom will not return, and what that means  …

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October 2024