Everything in the techno-capitalist society forms us into separate atoms. We demand our own space, travel in personal metal boxes, and struggle as individuals. When disaster strikes, hardly anyone remembers how to respond. How will your community react to a major threat? Will …
Obviously it’s pointless. We are doomed. Or it that just a frightened voice inside, knowing what we know? Social failure rears it’s ugly head, as half million more Americans, and countless millions more around the world, head home, if they have one. You …
It is already too late to stop rampant climate change? An emailed blog posting asks: “Do we just enjoy the time we have left?” Scientist James Lovelock thinks so. He wanted the sub-title of his new book “Vanishing Gaia” changed from “Final Warning” …
This program explores how green leaders are converting to climate activism. And how you can move from spectator to citizen action. You’ll hear Forest Ethics co-Founder Tzeporah Berman in a moving speech, going to a new climate group Power Up Canada. United Church …
Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. Today you’ll hear two green broadcasters meet on air. Matt and Alex ask how cities can work in the climate energy crunch. Should you get out – and what can we learn from the back-to-the-land movement of the late …
As the world economy crumbles, a combination of corporate high finance is moving to consolidate power – as they do in any emergency. Naomi Klein explains her new book “Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” – in the light of our current …
As government and corporate governance fails, we need a wide-spread social movement to address climate change, peak oil, and extinction. Where is it? How does it start? Tom Hayden witnessed the beginning of a dozen social movements. We gather his insight from a …
Robert Jensen’s provocative speech launched in Vancouver, appearing on the front pages of Z-Net, Alternet and many more. Our Radio Ecoshock provided the audio links, and thousands downloaded this powerful re-assessment of the Left, and social movements generally. Jensen is a tenured Professor …