Quick summary: WWF report: 52% of wildlife lost since 1970. Cost of climate change forum with Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Jack Lew. Update on climate march and results. Plus climate poetry and new song by Neil Young. Radio Ecoshock 141008 ***THIS JUST …

QUICK SUMMARY: “Is Global Collapse Imminent” by Australian academic Graham M. Turner. Linda Doman from US Energy Information Administration says world will burn 30% more oil and gas in 2040. Marc-Andre Parisien from the Canadian Forest Service tells us about record mega-fires in …
This is a Radio Ecoshock replay, from October 30th, 2013. I’ve picked some of my best shows, so if you haven’t heard it, check it out please. SUMMARY: A medley of ways. From New Zealand, green alternative economy with Laurence Boomert. Dr. Sharon …
NOTICE! On Thursday July 10 the Radio Ecoshock server is having technical problems. Please download or listen to the new show from SoundCloud here: https://soundcloud.com/radioecoshock/crashing-climate-news SUMMARY: Plutocrats admit U.S. economy is “Risky Business” during climate change. It will not be safe to go …
“Population Bomb” author and Stanford Prof. Paul R. Ehrlich and film-maker, activist Michael Charles Tobias on hope in the midst of danger. Stand-up comedian & economist Yoram Bauman on climate humor. Radio Ecoshock 140604 Knowing what we know about dwindling energy, the total …
SUMMARY Author Richard Heinberg on geopolitics, finance, and environment of the slow crash. Global Crossing and Green Festivals President Kevin Danaher on transition to green economy. Unicyclist for climate Joseph Boutelier. Radio Ecoshock 140507 1 hour. Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. I’m Alex and …
Are we headed for collapse? A study partly funded by NASA says a combination of crisis could bring down the global system we count on. It’s not guaranteed to happen, and we can’t know when. But the world supply chains, just-in-time, makes the …
SUMMARY: Dr. Michael Jennings says Earth’s climate is already beyond the worst scenarios. Could a new Dark Age save us? Dr. Sing C. Chew says we are due. It’s edutainment for troubled times. Radio Ecoshock 140319 WELCOME The bad news is planet Earth …
RADIO ECOSHOCK SPECIAL ON CALIFORNIA DROUGHT Despite recent rains, California’s reservoirs are near empty, snow-pack light, and groundwater depleted. Four experts on a drought that really started in 2006, impacts on economy, food, farming, and nature. Guests: Dr. Peter Gleick, Dr. Jay Famiglietti, …
Extreme weather from the great climate disruption will rule our lives. I cover current heat waves in Australia, California, Brazil/Argentina, Alaska and Siberia, plus the UK floods. Then author/activist Deborah Frieze on book & movement to “Walk Out, Walk On”, and Dr. Jochen …
Do we need to break the system to save the climate? Permaculture co-founder David Holmgren says “yes”, in rare radio interview. Then Nicole Foss replies. Plus Alex’s climate music. Last week on Radio Ecoshock we looked at a growing group of activists, authors …
SUMMARY: From The Farm in Tennessee, alternative guru Albert Bates rates responses to predictions of doom. Film-maker Anne Macksoud on new movie “The Wisdom to Survive” Plus musical activist Rachelle Van Zanten. List your alternative speakers and writers – Albert Bates probably knows …