77% of insects disappeared from Germany nature preserves. University of Sussex UK, Professor David Goulson reports. Then an intriguing look at the world before and after trees with Dr. Chris Berry, University of Cardiff. French Senator Ronan Dantec on the Bonn climate talks …
LEARN MOREAre you ready for rapid sea level rise? New science from Texas warns it can happen. We talk with lead author Pankaj Khanna. From Canada, a world expert on sea level rise and melting glaciers joins us: Dr. Richard Peltier. We wrap with …
LEARN MOREHow plants create safe climates, if we let them. From St. Petersburg Russia, game-changing science by V.G. Gorshkov and our guest Anastassia Makarieva. Follow-up with Louis Blumberg of The Nature Conservancy on PNAS paper “Natural Climate Solutions”. Radio Ecoshock 171025 Download or listen …
LEARN MORENASA scientist Annmarie Eldering: Orbiting Carbon Observatory confirms tropical forests now releasing carbon to the atmosphere. Confirmed by new science from Alessandro Baccini at Woods Hole Research Center. From Post Carbon Institute, Daniel Lerch – “The Community Resilience Reader – Essential Resources for …
LEARN MOREAtmospheric scientist Charles Bardeen about the day the Earth burned. Grow-your-own-groceries gardener Marjory Wildcraft: how she weathered Hurricane Harvey. A shocking warning for the Northern Hemisphere from Danish scientist Jørgen Steffensen. Prime Minister of Dominica tells the UN his island Eden is “broken” …
LEARN MOREThree degrees C warming by 2050? Catastrophe, and what we have to do to avoid it – famous American scientist V. Ramanathan from his life work & new science. Dr. Andy Ridgwell from UC Riverside on the last great warming of 5 degrees …
LEARN MOREWelcome to Radio Ecoshock. In our second half hour, I’ll be talking with author, blogger John Michael Greer. He thinks we can walk back technology to safer options that can live past the crash. But first, we explore the wonders of how the …
LEARN MOREInhuman heat predicted by new science from Europe. Lead author Simone Russo explains 55 degree C (131 F) heat for U.S., India & China. From Ottawa, climate scientist Paul Beckwith walks us through the forces behind record storms, fires, and floods. Radio Ecoshock …
LEARN MORENEW SHOWS COMING STARTING SEPTEMBER 6TH! I’ve got a big line-up of storm experts, climate scientists, and more ready to help us out for a whole new season of Radio Ecoshock. Stay tuned! Listen to the best of Radio Ecoshock, as Alex takes …
LEARN MOREAs Northern Hemisphere roasts around the world, Dr. Clive Hamilton on new book “The Defiant Earth”. Then legendary Princeton physicist Frank von Hippel warns nuclear fire could force evacuation of millions of Americans. Radio Ecoshock 170628 Download or listen to this Radio Ecoshock …
LEARN MOREWe’ve just had major, major heat waves in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere. It’s not just the Middle East and Pakistan, it’s New York, London, Paris, and Los Angeles sweltering under road-melting temperatures. But that’s just the 30 second weather report. The …
LEARN MOREIncredible heat records, Biblical downpours not reported. Canadian climate scientist Paul Beckwith & Alex get it on the record. Plus some new science from Norway. Bright young mind Pavel Serov on Arctic sea-bed methane risks & rewards. When the glaciers melted before, methane …