Ecoshock Show 080711 We begin with a first hand report from climate front-line – the California fires, with Maria Gilardin. Maria is the host of the TUC radio program, originating from San Francisco. This time she is sending out last emails, from her …
This week’s Radio Ecoshock broadcast is about past greenhouse worlds, quick climate shifts, and mass extinctions caused by changes to the atmosphere. Dr. Andrew Glikson studies comet/asteroid impacts, volcanoes, and past climates. He’s been doing it for 40 years. While studying the oldest …
NASA scientist James Hansen shakes up Capitol Hill (and the media) with explosive testimony to the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Climate Change. For one thing, he thinks oil industry executives who purposely (and secretly) fund groups to confuse the public about …
Those are the choices. CONNECTIONS FOR THIS WEEK’S RADIO ECOSHOCK SHOWWeek of May 30th, 2008 Guest: Michael T. Klare (new book “Rising Powers, Shrinking World”)Listen to the Ecoshock Klare interview here.( his blog at Space For Peace activist Bruce GagnonListen to the …
Polluted cities kills hundreds of thousands. Under-reported plague from vehicle emissions. 2 interviews. We are honored to have as a guest on this weeks’ show: Dr. Joel Schwartz, Harvard’s top expert on air pollution. I discuss Dr. Schwartz’ testimony to Congress in late …
This week we dig into the Wall Street Mess. Are we headed into the next Great Depression? We’ll talk to a Finance Campaigner at the Rainforest Action Network, to see how they fought some big bankers, and won. That interview with Matt Leonard …
Why have all the political climate plans failed so badly? Targets are set, with big announcements, and yet greenhouse gas emissions just keep going up, and up. Canada’s Professor Mark Jaccard has developed scientific models, to study how governments cope with the climate …
The report is called “Cool Farming: Climate impacts of agriculture and mitigation potential” It’s from Greenpeace International. We have with us one of the authors, Dr. Pete Smith from the School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen. Dr. Smith was also a lead …
Sir David King warns we are headed toward a hot-state planet, not seen since 55 million years ago (when life huddled on Antarctica). The only way out, he says, is a binding international agreement by 2009. Even so, we only have a window …
[Click on the title above to hear the 9 minute podcast] America is the largest single cause of climate change. So says one of the government’s top scientists, James Hansen of NASA in a hard-hitting speech given February 20th in New York. The …