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Tag Archives: ocean

Is This a Glimpse of the New Hot Future?

Lost in endless political hype, this planet is hotter. Expert Earth System Modeler Till Kulhbrodt says this may be a glimpse of a future three degrees above pre-industrial. Are we approaching tipping points, or are some already behind us? We revisit an interview  …


How Ocean Heat Ends The Human Experiment

The ocean acts like a giant air-conditioner, absorbing 90% of extra heat added by humans. What if it stops? Dr. Keith Moore explains. From New Zealand, Dr. Kevin Trenberth reports more record ocean heating – levels not seen for over a million years.  …


For Better or For Worse

Author Richard Heinberg on new book “Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One Hundred Percent Clean Energy”. Plus plankton expert Dr. Michael Behrenfeld: is the foundation of ocean life in trouble? Radio Ecoshock 160629 Download or listen to this Radio Ecoshock show  …



SUMMARY: Abrupt warming in Arctic could lead to catastrophic consequences says top scientist Dr. Peter Gleick, ICCI Director Pam Pearson, and the founder of Paleoceanography, Dr. James Kennett. Three must-listen interviews. “What is happening in the Arctic now is unprecedented & possibly catastrophic.”  …


Abrupt Climate Change – YES

Scientist Paul Beckwith speaks out on Arctic methane and abrupt climate change – and ways to stave it off. Scientist Douglas McCauley, University of California: industrializing the ocean could lead to mass extinction of marine animals. Radio Ecoshock 150128 Download or listen to  …


Why Is The Weather So Crazy?

Climate scientist Paul Beckwith explains weather distortion & spurt of Arctic methane. NOAA’s Dr. Richard Feely on the threat of ocean acidification. PAUL BECKWITH EXPLAINS THE BIG PICTURE BEHIND OUR STRANGE WEATHER Download or listen to my 38 minute feature interview with Paul  …


Ugly Times for Ugly Mines

Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. I’m your reporter, Alex Smith. Later in this program we will tackle a serious world-wide problem seldom discussed: the toxic and harsh environmental impacts of mining. We have a case study from the United States, the Polymet mine proposed  …


Rising Heat, Rising Seas

State of climate science notes (Richard Alley); feature on rising seas – Francesca Rheannon of “Writer’s Voice” interviews Brian Fagan, author of “The Attacking Ocean.” Plus Alison Martin from the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy on endangered farm animals. Radio Ecoshock 130717 IMPORTANT NOTE  …

Green Seas, Good Food, Bad Numbers

Serial climate hacker Russ George’s office raided. Nick Saul takes food banks to a whole new level – feeding citizens during tough times. UC Berkeley political scientist Dr. Martha Campbell – how economists & women’s advocates helped enable the next population explosion. Radio  …

Sandy: Storms in the Emergency Room

Storms in the Emergency Room – Hurricane Sandy, coal & nukes – it’s not pretty. From D.C. as storm hits, Earthbeat’s Daphne Wysham on the climate connection. From Australia, Greenpeace’s Georgina Woods on huge coal expansion. Then a Canadian plan to dump nuclear  …

Ocean Geoengineering: Serial Climate Hacking

Serial climate hacker Russ George (Planktos) leads indigenous villagers to dump iron into the sea – a secret geoengineering project off Canada’s West Coast. Press conference statements by the Haida Old Massett Village Chief, interview with Living Oceans’ Karen Wristen, Russ George clips  …

Covert Geoengineering & Women Against Tar Sands

Jim Thomas of ETC Group on rogue geoengineering off Canada’s West Coast by Russ George, former CEO of Planktos. “She Speaks: Indigenous Women Speak Out Against Tar Sands“. Eriel Deranger & Freda Huson + Suzanne Dhaliwal co-founder of UK Tar Sands Network. World’s  …

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March 2025