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Tag Archives: oil

WILD HUMANS (doing wild things)

National Geographic reporter Scott Wallace on trips to deep Amazon for his book “The Unconquered”. How oil, gold, and illegal logging chase the last un-contacted tribes. Plus reports on Canadian Boreal failure, serial climate hacker Russ George, and shaping Nature in the city.  …


Unburnable: Risky Fossil Fuel Investments Vs. Climate Crisis

Two new reports say climate change could cause the next financial crisis. From London, Bob Ward, LSE lead author of “Unburnable: Carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets.” From Australia’s Climate Institute, John Connor on coal’s risky future. Plus Nancy LaPlaca: why does  …


Fracking: Sacrifice Zones of the American West

Fracking: Sacrifice Zones of the American West. What can other countries expect? Four voices from the Bakken shale lands. Polluting oil & gas extraction impacts in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana & North Dakota. The dark side of the fracking boom. Radio Ecoshock 130508 1  …


Burying the Future: Tars Sands, Pipelines, & Melting Arctic

Canadian scientist Paul Beckwith explains how the Arctic warming emergency is changing your weather. But first, the story of an anti-pipeline media warrior, John Bolenbaugh in his own words. The leaks, scandals and deaths behind Tar Sands pipelines. Radio Ecoshock 130424 1 hour.  …

How Will We Power the Future?

In-depth interview with Nobel Laureate Robert B. Laughlin on his book “Powering the Future: How We Will Eventually Solve the Energy Crisis and Fuel the Civilization of Tomorrow.” Dr. Rose M. Cory’s new science on positive feedback loop discovered in the melting Arctic.  …


Can We Avoid A Collapse?

"Population Bomb" author & Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich on his Royal Society Paper "Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?" From Tasmania, forest expert Dr. David Bowman: wild fires drive more global warming. Economist John Talberth suing the U.S. Government over  …


Why Is the Economy Shrinking? – Richard Heinberg

Endless growth is a delusion with consequences…The spiral of climate change, peak energy, and economic crisis, with author Richard Heinberg. Fresh interview on giant new book “Energy: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth”. Followed by speech to Chicago Bioneers “Life After Growth:  …


The C.I.A., Nigeria and Germany

Three stories, 3 hosts, 3 continents. Professor John D. Steinbruner on a new report to the C.I.A. about disruptive climate change. Ecoshock’s Gerri Williams with Jonathan Kaufman, EarthRights International. Why do big oil companies pay for spills in developed countries, and get away  …

Dirty Overload – Overpopulation to the Tar Sands

Film-maker Mike Freedman says we’ve hit “Critical Mass” toward extinction by over-population. Bill McKibben tells me why everybody in the world needs to battle the Tar Sands. Council of Canadians founder Maude Barlow links dirty energy to dirty politics. And native leader Caleb  …


As Darkness Flourishes Josh Tickell, Director of “The Big Fix” reveals the continuing BP Gulf oil spill cover-up. S. Dutta on mega coal plant construction binge in India. “GM Food Song” by Superweed. Conclusion of tar sands speech by independent scientist Dr. David Schindler. ———–  …

Oil to Occupy: The Restless West Coast “Oil Free Coast” 3 speakers against Tar Sands pipelines and tankers in Canada, including First Nations. Then on-scene audio from Occupy Wall St West in San Francisco Jan 20th. Awaiting arrest, and crowd microphones against corporate takeover. Two weeks ago on Radio  …

Oil Shock – The No Growth World Radio Ecoshock 120104 Oil Shock the Post-Growth World with Jeff Rubin, Charles Maxwell from ASPO 2011 and interview with Italy’s Ugo Bardi on climate change vs. peak oil. The price of oil hits you at the pump, in your food bill, and  …

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January 2025