Lost in endless political hype, this planet is hotter. Expert Earth System Modeler Till Kulhbrodt says this may be a glimpse of a future three degrees above pre-industrial. Are we approaching tipping points, or are some already behind us? We revisit an interview …
LEARN MORE1.5 degrees C is already behind us. Could 2 degrees of warming arrive by 2030? Despite pushback, Dr. Malcolm McCulloch makes the case from Perth, during Australia’s roasting, hottest-ever February. But first, UK Professor Emeritus and psychoanalyst Paul Hoggett on climate, victimhood, and …
LEARN MOREHorrendous climate-driven storms are here. From Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, senior scientist Dr. Michael Wehner makes the case for Cat 6. Electricity from natural gas is more reliable than renewables, right? Wrong. Mark Specht from the Union of Concerned Scientists finds gas plant …
LEARN MORECornell Professor Robert Howarth returns to Radio Ecoshock reporting the whole Liquefied Natural Gas process leaks so much methane it may be worse than coal for the climate. Oxford Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert tells us methane worries are overblown. Carbon dioxide is the real …
LEARN MOREA warming world is pushing us off the “snow cliff”. Snow drought is increasing. Dry fire-filled summers with low rivers and crop loss surely follow in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. We talk with Lead Author Alexander Gottlieb from Dartmouth. Then “satellites …
LEARN MOREThe Amazon – lungs of the world – is in last-stage crisis. It is boiling in record smashing heat, drought, and fire. We visit the last stand with Rhett Butler, Founder and CEO of independent media hub Mongabay. Does it seem more stormy …
LEARN MOREWelcome to a wild ride into “Necrocapitalism” – cutting observations by Greek scientist and author George Tsakraklides. Then more worrying news about methane: frozen under the deep sea around every continent, methane can melt, migrate and release closer to shore. We talk through …
LEARN MOREWith research into heat and the limits of human health Dr. Ollie Jay, Director of the Heat and Health Research Incubator at the University of Sydney. Doctor and University of Sydney Professor Adrienne Gordon explains her specialty in care of mothers and the …
LEARN MOREExperts find food riots are possible in the United Kingdom as climate change ramps up. From Cambridge Aled Jones outlines how food stress boils over. Around the world, crops may not be planted or harvested when it gets too hot to work outside. …
LEARN MOREWe are sinking in heavy weather. Elders are up to 75% of climate-driven fatalities in developed world disasters. Seniors expert Danielle Arigoni on her new book book “Climate Resilience for an Aging Nation”. Then Lauren Stuart, Scientific Officer for the World Meteorological Organization …
LEARN MOREBehind all the crisis, the wealth machine pulls money up to the one percent. The worse things get, the less for everyone else. Author and activist Marjorie Kelly: “ “Wealth Supremacy: How the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today’s …
LEARN MOREGlobal warming is accelerating, at double the rate just a dozen years ago. The target of 1.5 degrees Celsius is “dead as a door-nail”. Earth will warm not 3 degrees, but 4.8 degrees C – 10 degrees F. – according to former NASA …