If we clean up air pollution, the weather gets hotter and wilder. From Norway, Dr. Bjorn Samset explains the stakes. Then from Harvard, Dr. Francesca Dominici reveals shocking new science: just a short exposure to bad air kills seniors! I’m Alex. This is Radio Ecoshock clearing the air. Replay.

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We all know air pollution is killing millions of people around the world. Nobody likes the smog. But what happens if we clean it up, if electric cars reduce carbon pollution, if governments finally react to climate change gases? We get hotter. In fact, new science suggests the initial burst of heating from cleaner air could come close to the amount of warming we’ve already experienced. That means more hot times and bad weather.

Here to explain is Dr. Bjorn Halvard Samset. He is Research Director at CICERO, the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, in Norway. Bjorn is a physicist. He’s widely versed in climate science. Bjorn is often quoted in Norwegian media. He specializes in extreme precipitation and the role of atmospheric aerosols in a changing climate.

The paper “Climate Impacts From a Removal of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions” was published in January 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters. You can read that full paper here.

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