Are your savings helping the mad new expansion of fossil fuels? From RAN, Dr. April Merleaux names big banks expanding oil, gas & coal from the Arctic to the Amazon. From London, broadcaster, author, and science journalist Gaia Vince on coming mass climate migration in her book “Nomad Century – How To Survive The Climate Upheaval”.
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Read the full blog with lots of links and notes here.
The immigration is designed to destroy all people of European descent by the jews and you know it. Africa, SE Asia, S. America (though it is a conduit). None suffer immigration of hordes of brown people that all too often rape and murder. Only ALL white countries are selected.This lady is probably a jew. She is a liar. British people SUPPORT immigration that rapes and kills them while the government DOESN’T cram more and more down their throats? COME ON! You should be ashamed to broadcast this drivel.